I feel the need to get things out of my head so I have decided to start using this as my ranting place.
It doesn't bother me that not many people will read it, I just feel the need to empty my head so that I can clear space for the important stuff.
I am also hoping to get some focus back and just feel calmer and more peaceful.
Sometimes it will just read as me having a jolly good moan, but it is good to get it out there.
It's been years since I have written daily but I think it will be very therapeutic.
A fellow blogger does a day summary of various categories and I asked if I could utilise that idea.
I have thought about my daily summary which will appear at the end of my posts like so....
Today's summary.
TV - Bedlam
Tea - 6 cups
Coffee - 4 cups
Food - lots of chocolate Halloween treats, vegetable lattice slice, fish with new potatos and veg, slow roasted tomato soup.
Grumpy level - medium to high. It was a bad work day.
Achieved - resolving the bad work day.
when is the next istalment? its 2014 godammit