Saturday, 18 September 2010

The Shed is Watertight!!!

It was such a lovely morning so I went down the allotment early just to double check how much wood I nneded to repair the shed as my manslave was no longer up for doing it.

When I got there, he had 2 huge sheets of thick wood.  Although it would look odd, it would seal the shed and was free.

He showed me how to saw properly, and I was quite good at it!

He cut the door out and is going to finish it off in the week for me.

We put the waterproof sheet on the roof until the next week when I felt the roof!

I have never done anything like this before, so I was really pleased with my efforts. 

It is not a pretty shed, but it is watertight and mine!!!

Here are the photos of todays efforts!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Finally I Got Some Time On The Allotment!

After 3 weekends of being away, this Sunday I finally got some time down there.

I was intending to spend a few hours there, but the sun was shining I managed to loose 5 hours!!!

I built a new structure for my thriving raspberries, photographed the worlds most bent marrows, my huge marrow measured against my size5 shoe and my rewards.

I have got some winter peas and onions to plant this weekend and lots of weeding to do!

The shed needs finishing and I may have to do this myself as my shed builder has been taken ill.  i need to sort it before the winter sets in.

Friday, 10 September 2010

I am Back Again!!

I have had a couple of weekends away, so this weekend will be my first trip down to the allotment for almost 3 weeks!

I am excited to see how the shed might be looking, I hope it has a roof!

I am dreading to see how much the weeds etc have grown!

I can't wait to see if I still have a giant marrow there and how big that might be!!! 

I hope to be posting some photos on Sunday as I hear that we may get some dry weather!

Monday, 16 August 2010

4 Sides On My Errection!

My man slave has got 4 sides up and prepped!  He has also put the coat of primer on for me.

He is excited that he may get the roof on, window in and door secure for next weekend.

I have decided to paint it burnt orange on the outside and white inside to reflect the light.

I can't believe that Jim is doing all this for me, but as a retired carpenter, he is really enjoying it!

I can't wait to have a cup of soup in there, watching the rain falling feeling all smug!

p.s hello to my Sheffield reader!!! X

Monday, 26 July 2010

A shed and stringing onions!

Well, I cannot believe my luck as I bought a shed for £15 on Saturday! It needs a bit of repair, but with that and a good paint, I could get a few good years from it!!

I was so excited that I strung up all my onions that I have been drying!!

Here is a photo of the shed pending repair, where it will go and all my onions!!

-- Posted from my iPhone which is nothing short of a miracle!

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Veg Art

Tonight I got loads of stuff, so here is some of it in my own veg art style!

-- Posted from my iPhone which is nothing short of a miracle!

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Today I took home...

My first courgette and the first Japanese bunching spring onions!

-- Posted from my iPhone which is nothing short of a miracle!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Raspberries, a single courgette and big beetroot

Ok, I am trying a new app on the iPhone!!

It's all going bonkers in this sun, so here are a few shots from earlier today.

-- Posted from my iPhone which is nothing short of a miracle!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Finally, An Update!!!

Well, rain and not being too well has put pay to me really getting much done in the last month or so.
I am now feeling miles better, so did 10 hours of weeding and planting this weekend!
The allotment has been transformed and I am now confident that I can keep on top of things again!  Now it is weeding and waiting for things to grow!!!
Top Right
I planted in here today as follows
Cabbage in pot
Cauliflower in pot
Top Left
Dedicated to pots!!!
New pots you can see, mids and lates are hiding underground!!

Bottom Right
White Onions
White Onions
White Onions
Bottom Left
Red onions
Red onions
Japanese bunching onions/Shallots

It is very hard work, but this is only my 2nd year so I am still learning loads!  I am sure that once I get eating all the produce, it will seem alot easier!!!
Here are some random photos of what is growing now!

Monday, 17 May 2010

At last - The Rain Stops!!!

Well, wonders will never cease!  The sun actually came out and I got some much needed time down on my plot this weekend.

The rain and sun has not only encouraged the seeds to take, but for the weeds to take over in a very aggressive fashion!

As a result, I spent all my time weeding and clearing the plot ready for some more planting soon!

I am just waiting to be 100% sure that we are not getting anymore frost and then I hope to transplant some seedlings form home.

I lost a lot of my first lot in the greenhouse due to cold and frost. 

On reflection, I was too keen and too early, so this weekend I shall plant again in the propagator and have another go!

The good news is that I have peas, beetroot and some very strong looking shallots and onions!